Series Details
Seasons: 6
Total Episodes: 319
Creators: Hans Bourlon , Danny Verbiest , Gert Verhulst
Networks: VTM
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Aug 27, 1997
Recent Air Date: Jan 31, 2002
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Dutch
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: Studio 100
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Kabouter Plop is the eponymous protagonist in a children's television series by Studio 100. The television series is directed by Bart Van Leemputten. Most episodes last about five minutes and are set in Plop's milk inn or in Kabouter forest. The stories often involve pranks by naughty Kabouter Klus. Each episode starts with Plop lying in bed and reviewing what happened the past day. At the end of the episode he says he goes to "Kabouter dream land". Most episodes contain a moral.