Series Details
Seasons: 11
Total Episodes: 28
Networks: ICI Radio-Canada Télé
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Oct 8, 1988
Recent Air Date: Apr 11, 1999
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: French
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: Radio Canada , CBC , ONF | NFB
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"La Course destination monde" is a Canadian reality television series, which aired on Télévision de Radio-Canada from 1988 to 1999. The series was a filmmaking competition which sent young, emerging filmmakers from Quebec around the world to make short films about their destinations, with prizes awarded at the conclusion of each season to the best films coming out of the competition. The show premiered in 1988 as "La Course des Amériques", sending filmmakers to destinations in North and South America. The second season, "La Course Amérique-Afrique", continued to highlight destinations in the Americas as well as opening to destinations in Africa, while the third season, "La Course Europe-Asie", centred on destinations in Europe and Asia. From the fourth season onward, the show was titled "La Course destination monde", and permitted filmmakers to travel to anywhere in the world.