Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 66
Creators: José Ignacio Valenzuela , Alicia Carvajal
Networks: Azteca Uno
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Oct 23, 2017
Recent Air Date: Jan 21, 2018
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Spanish
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: TV Azteca
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La Hija Pródiga begins when the daughter of the Montejo, Alicia, is kidnapped in Acapulco, while her parents are absent for an important business dinner. The girl, who was accompanied by her sister Pamela, is gone, provoking a great sadness in her family for years. Twenty years later, when her family has been able to resume their lives, Alicia reappears at Montejo's house to find answers. This fact will unleash a series of conflicts between the family because Alicia only seeks the truth and in this quest will find love in Salvador, the betrothed of his sister, provoking a love triangle that will lead us to witness the obstacles that Alicia must cross to find out who or who were to blame for his tragedy.
Main Cast
Marcelo Buquet
Antonio Mansilla Landero / Gaspar Avendaño / Dr. Andrés ZavalaAge : N/A | Popularity : 14%