Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 16
Networks: Netflix , True4U
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Mar 3, 2021
Recent Air Date: Apr 22, 2021
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Thai
Age Rating: 14
Website: Link
Production Companies: True CJ Creations
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A cohabitation comedy about a ghost of a high school girl who has been dead for 5 years and an exorcist college boy with the ability to see and hear ghosts. What he’s discovered over the years is that he can touch them and fight them off, so when he’s in need of a part-time job and can’t find one that pays well enough, he starts putting ads online as an exorcist for hire. His ad: “Will face off with your ghosts. Chances of winning: virgin ghosts 80%, bachelor ghosts 40%, child ghosts 97%, the rest 50%.” One night he goes out on the job and faces off with a schoolgirl ghost, and during the fight, they accidentally kiss and sparks fly."