Series Details
Seasons: 2
Total Episodes: 16
Creators: Agatha Christie
Networks: BBC One
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Dec 26, 1984
Recent Air Date: Feb 8, 1987
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: TV-PG
Website: Link
Production Companies: BBC , Agatha Christie Limited , A&E Television Networks
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Miss Marple, the spinster detective who is one of the most famous characters created by English crime writer Agatha Christie, is portrayed by Joan Hickson who starred in a dozen television mysteries about Miss Marple over the course of a decade.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director | |
Editing | Editor | |
Writing | Novel | |
Sound | Original Music Composer | |
Music Sound Design and Processing | ||
Camera | Director of Photography | |
Department | Role | Name |