Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 20
Creators: Dave Fong
Networks: TVB Jade
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Dec 18, 2012
Recent Air Date: Jan 14, 2013
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: langcode.cn
Age Rating: U
Website: Link
Production Companies: TVB
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A search and rescue department specializes in finding loved ones lost during a war, natural disaster or relocation. The paranoid and skeptical Hong Yu-Fung, the optimistic and energetic Sze Yik-Him, the eloquent Crystal Sin, and computer expert Yeung Chi-Kei are led by a calm and rational team leader Lo Man-Kit to start their experience of searching and rescuing people. Not only do they find happiness in their work, but they also go through a whole new experience of how they see themselves.