
Series Details
Seasons: 7
Total Episodes: 316
Networks: Disney Channel
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Apr 24, 1989
Recent Air Date: Nov 10, 2002
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
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Main Cast

Episode 1
16 October 1989 - Episode 46
Music Day! Introduction provided by: Tiffini, Albert, and Brandon Skits Performed: *Fairy Tale Feud *U.S. Smokin' Turtle Dragstrip *Mouse Mail *Movie *Teen Angel: Episode 1 *Music Day: New Kids on the Block Songs Performed: *The New Kids on the Block sing

Episode 2
17 October 1989 - Episode 47
Guest Day! Introduction provided by: Josh, Jennifer, and Damon Skits Performed: *Beaver Cafe *Open MMC Auditions *Mouse Kid Calendar *Yeah, Right *Guest Day: Chad Allen *Game: Scrambled Faces *Video Jam Songs Performed: *I Want To Dance With Somebody by Deedee, Bradny, Tiffini, Damon, Albert, Josh, Chase, Roque, Lindsey, and Jennifer

Episode 3
18 October 1989 - Episode 48
Anything Can Happen Day! Introduction provided by: Roque, DeeDee, and Mowava Skits Performed: *Mouse Co. Products: Food Taker Kit *Movie *Teen Angel: Episode 2 *Mouse Co. Products: Food Saver Kit *Anything Can Happen Day: Bill Nye the Science Guy Songs Performed: *Great Balls of Fire by Chase, Albert, Damon, Tiffini, and Jennifer

Episode 4
19 October 1989 - Episode 49
Party Day! Pyramid Party Introduction provided by: Chase, Jennifer, and Brandy Skits Performed: *Commercial Classroom *The Hold Your Breath Channel *Epcot Poll: Least Favorite Chores *What I Want To Be... President of Nintendo *Herbie the Love Can of Cream of Mushroom Soup *Party Day: Miss Pyramid Pageant *Pyramid Power Songs Performed: *Walk Like An Egyptian by Brandy, Damon, Chase, Josh, Albert, Deedee, Lindsey, and Roque

Episode 5
20 October 1989 - Episode 50
Hall of Fame Day! Introduction provided by: Damon, Lindsey, and Fred Skits Performed: *Miss Molly's Magic Mirror *Wacky Weekend With Winnie and Winnie *Scary Weekend Suggestions *Movie *Teen Angel: Episode 3 *Hall of Fame Day: Jazz pianist and a champion diver Songs Performed: *Miss You Like Crazy by Roque

Episode 6
23 October 1989 - Episode 51
Music Day! Introduction provided by: Jennifer, Damon, and DeeDee Skits Performed: *Video Grab Bag *Donald's Squawk Box *Mouse Mail *Movie *Teen Angel: Episode 4 *Music Day: Sa-Fire Songs Performed: *Sa-Fire sings

Episode 7
24 October 1989 - Episode 52
Guest Day! Introduction provided by: Chase, Lindsey, and Fred Skits Performed: *Turtle Diner *The Clumsy Waiter *Invention Connection *Fred Talks About Comedy *Wil Wheaton on the Set of Star Trek: The Next Generation *Homework *Fill in the Mouse *Video Jam Songs Performed: *123 by Damon, Albert, Tiffini, Chase, Jennifer, Brandy, and Roque

Episode 8
25 October 1989 - Episode 53
Anything Can Happen Day! Introduction provided by: Roque, Tiffini, and Mowava Skits Performed: *Mouse Co.: Wacky Uppers *Anything Can Happen Day: Warren Epstein Shows Animals *Teen Angel: Episode 5 Songs Performed: *Baby Don't Forget My Number by Chase, Albert, and Damon

Episode 9
26 October 1989 - Episode 54
Party Day! Emergency Party Skits Performed: *Emergency Mouth Sounds by Fred *What I Want To Be... Delta Airlines Pilot Songs Performed: *Help by Chase, DeeDee, Lindsey, Albert, Tiffini, Jennifer, Roque, and Damon

Episode 10
27 October 1989 - Episode 55
Hall of Fame Day! Skits Performed: *Wacky Simon Says *Singing in the Streets *Teen Angel: Episode 6 *Hall of Fame: Music composer and a junior ice-skating champion Songs Performed: *Tomorrow Is Calling by Jennifer

Episode 11
30 October 1989 - Episode 56
Music Day! Introduction provided by: Roque, Josh, and Tiffini Skits Performed: *The Family Life of Chuck Smirk *Celebrity Auditions *Mouse Mail *Movie *Teen Angel: Episode 7 *Mike Slick's Bikes *Music Day: The Jets Songs Performed: *You've Got Another Boyfriend by The Jets

Episode 12
31 October 1989 - Episode 57
Guest Day! Introduction provided by: Brandy, DeeDee, and Albert Skits Performed: *Pupil's Court *Punchline *Great Moments in Sports *Chase Performs Magic Tricks *Guest Day: Jim Varney *Game: Guess Who *PSA (Public Service Announcement) *Video Jam Songs Performed: *Talk to Myself by Albert, Chase, and Fred

Episode 13
01 November 1989 - Episode 58
Anything Can Happen Day! Introduction provided by: Chase, Roque, and Fred Skits Performed: *Curse of the Puppet People (Part 1) *The Scream Channel *Teen Angel: Episode 8 *Curse of the Puppet People (Part 2) *I'm a Little Tea Pot *Anything Can Happen Day: Hula Hoop Champ Mat Plendl Songs Performed: *Dance to the Music by Josh, Damon, Brandy, Jennifer, Lindsey, and DeeDee

Episode 14
02 November 1989 - Episode 59
Party Day! Weird Jobs Party Introduction provided by: Jennifer, Damon, and Mowava Skits Performed: *World's First Prom *Decrease Your Word Power *Pancake Flipping *Tooth Fairy *What I Want To Be... Baseball Umpire *Albert's Hottest Moves *Odd Job Exchange Songs Performed: *Workin' Overtime by Damon, Roque, Brandy, Josh, Chase, and Tiffini

Episode 15
03 November 1989 - Episode 60
Hall of Fame Day! Introduction provided by: Lindsey, Brandy, and Josh Skits Performed: *Tooth Fairy Editorial *Movie *Teen Angel: Episode 9 *Hall of Fame Day: A kid and his trained dog and a champion banjo player Songs Performed: *Right Here Waiting by Albert

Episode 16
06 November 1989 - Episode 61
Music Day! Introduction provided by: Lindsey, Brandy, and Fred Skits Performed: *Miss Crumb's Choir Rehearsal *Miss Teen Bulldog Pageant *Mouse Mail *Movie *Teen Angel: Episode 10 *Biodegradable Golf Tee *Music Day: The Boys Songs Performed: *The Boys sing

Episode 17
07 November 1989 - Episode 62
Guest Day! Introduction provided by: Roque, Jennifer, and Chase Skits Performed: *Video Grab Bag *Bill Nye the Science Guy *Teaching... It's Not Just a Job *Guest Day: Harry Anderson on the Set of Night Court *Fred in MGM Studios *Sneaky Ears *Mouse Co.: Shoes *Video Jam Songs Performed: *Get On Your Feet by Jennifer, Brandy, Josh, Roque, and Fred

Episode 18
08 November 1989 - Episode 63
Anything Can Happen Day! Introduction provided by: Damon, Josh, and Mowava Skits Performed: *Pet Technical Institute *Bizarre but Delicious *Movie *Teen Angel: Episode 11 *Anything Can Happen Day: Chinese Acrobats Peform Songs Performed: *Sing, Sing, Sing by Chase, Tiffini, DeeDee, Albert, and Jennifer

Episode 19
09 November 1989 - Episode 64
Party Day! Dream Party Introduction provided by: Lindsey, Jennifer, and Albert Skits Performed: *Museum Audio Tour *What I Want To Be... Head of Gitano Fashions *Movie *Teen Angel: Episode 12 (Part 1) *Party Day Songs Performed: *Tell Me I'm Not Dreaming by DeeDee and Chase

Episode 20
10 November 1989 - Episode 65
Hall of Fame Day! Skits Performed: *Noon Day Report *Movie *Teen Angel: Episode 12 (Part 2) *Hall of Fame: Double dutch jump ropers and log rollers Songs Performed: *You Better Dance by Lindsey, Tiffini, Albert, Damon, Chase, Brandy, Jennifer, and DeeDee

Episode 21
13 November 1989 - Episode 66
Music Day! Skits Performed: *MMC Movie Premiere: The Secret of Lost Creek *Music Day: Stevie B. Songs Performed: *Stevie B. sings

Episode 22
14 November 1989 - Episode 67
Guest Day! Introduction provided by: Kevin, Tiffini, and DeeDee Skits Performed: *Pig Inn *Bill Nye the Science Guy *Ant Bran Cereal *Guest Day: New Kids on the Block *Club Mic *Ants & Fibre cereal *Video Jam Songs Performed: *Secret Rendezvous by Tiffini, Brandy, and Roque

Episode 23
15 November 1989 - Episode 68
Anything Can Day! Skits Performed: *Movie *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 2 *Guest Day Extra: New Kids on the Block *Anything Can Happen Day: In-line Skating Songs Performed: *Sing! by Jennifer, Damon, Lindsey, Roque, and Chase

Episode 24
16 November 1989 - Episode 69
Party Day! Costume, Slumber, and Birthday Party Skits Performed: *What I Want To Be... A Circus Performer Songs Performed: *Party Man by Albert, Josh, Chase, DeeDee, Damon, and Roque

Episode 25
17 November 1989 - Episode 70
Hall of Fame Day! Skits Performed: *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 3 *Hall of Fame: Ragtime pianist and a junior cycling champ Songs Performed: *He's So Shy by Jennifer, Tiffini, DeeDee, and Brandy

Episode 26
20 November 1989 - Episode 71
Music Day! Skits Performed: *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 4 *Mouse Mail *Music Day: Sa-Fire Songs Performed: *Sa-Fire sing

Episode 27
21 November 1989 - Episode 72
Guest Day! Skits Performed: *Guest Day: Whoopi Goldberg on the Set of Ghost *Video Jam Songs Performed: *On Our Own by Roque, Albert, Brandy, and Damon

Episode 28
22 November 1989 - Episode 73
Anything Can Happen Day! Introduction provided by: 'Damon', Albert, and Brandy Skits Performed: *Phone Call From Damon To 'Damon' *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 5 *Name That Job *Damon to 'Damon' *Anything Can Happen Day Songs Performed: *Up On the Roof and Under the Boardwalk by DeeDee, Chase, Kevin, Jennifer, 'Damon', and Lindsey

Episode 29
23 November 1989 - Episode 74
Party Day! Rock N' Roll Party Skits Performed: *What I Want To Be... Music Video Director Songs Performed: *The Heart of Rock N' Roll by Josh, Damon, and Chase

Episode 30
24 November 1989 - Episode 75
Hall of Fame Day! Skits Performed: *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 6 *Hall of Fame: The Aerobic Diehards and an artist from China Songs Performed: *Miss You Much by Roque, Damon, DeeDee, Chase, and Tiffini

Episode 31
27 November 1989 - Episode 76
Music Day! Skits Performed: *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 7 *Kids Tell Jokes *Music Day: Expose Songs Performed: *Expose sing

Episode 32
28 November 1989 - Episode 77
Guest Day! Skits Performed: *Guest Day: Marlee Matlin *Pig Cafe *Video Jam Songs Performed: *Love's About To Change My Heart by Jennifer, Roque, Kevin, and Josh

Episode 33
29 November 1989 - Episode 78
Anything Can Happen Day! Introduction provided by: Tiffini, Damon, and Josh Skits Performed: *Popo *Movie *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 8 *Name That Job *Anything Can Happen Day: Illusionist Franz Harary Songs Performed: *One Voice by Lindsey, DeeDee, Jennifer, Roque, and Chase

Episode 34
30 November 1989 - Episode 79
Party Day! Pen Pal Party Introduction provided by: Kevin, Mowava, and DeeDee Skits Performed: *Bark Back *Singing In The Streets *What I Want To Be... Debbie Fields *Two Pen Pals Meet Songs Performed: *Mr. Postman by Tiffini, Brandy, Damon, and DeeDee

Episode 35
01 December 1989 - Episode 80
Hall of Fame Day! Skits Performed: *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 9 *Hall of Fame: A unicycle expert and an ex-homeless teen Songs Performed: *What I Like About You by Chase, Damon, Brandy, Tiffini, and Josh

Episode 36
04 December 1989 - Episode 81
Music Day! Introduction provided by: Tiffini, Damon, and Josh Skits Performed: *MMC Choir *Where It's Been *Mouseketeer For a Day *Mouse Mail *Movie *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 10 *Balloon Shaving *Music Day: The Jets Songs Performed: *The Jets sing

Episode 37
05 December 1989 - Episode 82
Guest Day! Introduction provided by: Lindsey, Fred, and DeeDee Skits Performed: *National Student Debate *The Movers *Invention Connection *PSA (Public Service Announcement) *Guest Day: Donny Osmond *Rebuttal *Donald's Squawk Box *Contest Announcement: Mouseketeer For a Day *Video Jam Songs Performed: *I Feel the Earth Move by Jennifer, Tiffini, Fred, Kevin, and Lindsey

Episode 38
06 December 1989 - Episode 83
Anything Can Happen Day! Introduction provided by: Tiffini, Roque, and Brandy Skits Performed: *Dramatization *Murder She Chirped *Movie *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 11 *Mouseketeer For a Day Contest *Anything Can Happen: Warren Eckstein shows off animals Songs Performed: *It's No Crime by Albert, Damon, Chase, Josh, and Kevin

Episode 39
07 December 1989 - Episode 84
Party Day! Baby Party Skits Performed: *Tales From the Crib *Tiffini, DeeDee, and Brandy Become Triplets *What I Want To Be... Dance Teacher

Episode 40
08 December 1989 - Episode 85
Hall of Fame Day! Introduction provided by: Damon, Lindsey, and Mowava Skits Performed: *Mouse Co.: Bubble Pump *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 12 *Announcement: Mouseketeer For a Day Winner *Hall of Fame: Yo-Yo experts and a teenage environmentalist Songs Performed: *Right Back by DeeDee, Brandy, Tiffini, and Roque

Episode 41
11 December 1989 - Episode 86
Music Day! Skits Performed: *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 13 *Music Day: New Kids on the Block Songs Performed: *New Kids on the Block sing

Episode 42
12 December 1989 - Episode 87
Guest Day! Introduction provided by: Albert, Brandy, and Josh Skits Performed: *My Annoying Dad *Warren Eckstein shows off animals *Guest Day: Lecy Goranson *Who's the Baby? *Video Jam Songs Performed: *Higher and Higher by Chase, Deedee, Josh, Jennifer, Lindsey, Albert, Kevin, Brandy, Roque, Damon, Tiffini, Mowava, and Fred

Episode 43
13 December 1989 - Episode 88
Anything Can Happen Day! Introduction provided by: Albert Skits Performed: *The Mickey Show With Vic Slick *Fifi Finkbinder *A Balancing Ask *Cindy Seven *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 14 *The Practical Joker's Mother *Abe Lincoln Tonight *Teen Lobster Songs Performed: *Talk Too Much by The Cowlicks (Josh, Lindsey, Kevin, and Jennifer)

Episode 44
14 December 1989 - Episode 89
Party Day! Travel Party Skits Performed: *The Mouseketeer Contest Winner is Introduced *What I Want To Be... Linda Yu/A Newscaster Songs Performed: *Party Train by Damon, Albert, Chase, Tiffini, and DeeDee

Episode 45
15 December 1989 - Episode 90
Hall of Fame Day! Introduction provided by: Kevin, Brandy, and Mowava Skits Performed: *The Secret of Lost Creek: Episode 15 *Hall of Fame: A violinist and a magician Songs Performed: *Hold On by Chase, DeeDee, Albert, Tiffini, Roque, and Damon
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