
Series Details

Seasons: 12

Total Episodes: 3


Networks: Univision

Status: Returning Series

First Air Date: Sep 26, 2021

Recent Air Date: Sep 26, 2021

Run Time: m

In Production: Yes

Original Language: English

Age Rating: NR

Website: Link

Production Companies:




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Nuestra Belleza Latina 2012 was the sixth season of Nuestra Belleza Latina, and the season finale aired on Univision on May 20, 2012 at 8pm central. The auditions were shown Sundays, prior to the final 12 being revealed. Auditions were held from December 2011 to February 1, 2012 in six major US cities Auditions were also held in San Juan, Puerto Rico. During the audition process, 54 young women were given passes to the semi-finals in Miami. Two additional contestants were chosen from online auditions, with the help of public votes. The winner of the contest will be awarded a contract to be one of the new faces on many of Univision's programs and award shows, along with a chance to win more than $250,000 in cash and prizes. She will also become a correspondent for one of Univision's top shows and reign as Nuestra Belleza Latina for a year. As an added bonus, the winner will appear on the cover of Cosmopolitan Magazine. The winner of the competition was Vanessa De Roide, who represented the island of Puerto Rico.

Main Cast

Giselle Blondet

Giselle Blondet

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%


Department Role Name
Department Role Name

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