Series Details
Seasons: 5
Total Episodes: 89
Networks: TNT , Premier
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Sep 5, 2016
Recent Air Date: May 4, 2023
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Russian
Age Rating: 16+
Website: Link
Production Companies: Good Story Media
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Olga brings up two children from different marriages, cares about her alcoholic father and tries to adjust her personal life. The eldest daughter Anya is studying in a vocational school, she thinks that she is the only adequate member of the family, and in her life everything will be different. The younger son Timofey, whose father returned to the first family in Azerbaijan, believes that he is already a man, although he is only 11 years old. Olga's father, Yuri Gennadievich, a former football player, drinks hard and constantly lies, which often leads to scrape. And sister Lena is trying to live at the expense of men - mostly married. Eternally saving relatives from troubles, Olga lives a strange life and rarely thinks of herself until Grisha, a young and positive driver of the “Sable” hearse, falls in love with her.