Series Details
Seasons: 4
Total Episodes: 40
Networks: GNT
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Mar 7, 2016
Recent Air Date: May 13, 2019
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Portuguese
Age Rating: L
Website: Link
Production Companies: Producing Partners
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Pedro Andrade, Pedro pelo Mundo ("Pedro the Wanderer"), takes viewers on a trip around the world to explore the most fascinating and off-the-beaten-path destinations. The series follows Andrade as he globe-trots, meets the locals, tries exotic flavors, discover traditions, and celebrates diverse cultures. In each city, Pedro immerse himself in the local culture and visits the best places to eat, relax, discover, and live life as a local.
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Executive Producer | |
Directing | Series Director | |
Department | Role | Name |