Series Details
Seasons: 2
Total Episodes: 12
Creators: Jean-Marc Fröhle
Networks: RTS Un
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Nov 17, 2017
Recent Air Date: Mar 5, 2020
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: French
Age Rating: 12AP
Website: Link
Production Companies: Point Prod , RTS , RTBF
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Summer 2011: the Swiss financial market is abuzz with the news that Paul Béguelin, the director-general of the private bank Béguelin, was found dead in his office. Is it a case of suicide or score settling? This question is going to haunt his sister Elisabeth. Catapulted to the center stage of the bank, she embarks on an internal investigation. This is the beginning of a long road toward the truth, which will immerse her in the murky mysteries of the bank, her family’s secrets and banking secrecy.