Series Details
Seasons: 5
Total Episodes: 86
Creators: Ben Lewin
Networks: Seven Network
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Feb 12, 1987
Recent Air Date: Aug 31, 1990
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: M
Website: Link
Production Companies: Seven Network , Amalgamated Television Services
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Rafferty's Rules was an Australian television drama series which ran from 1987 to 1990 on the Seven Network. Rafferty's Rules was one of the first programs undertaken by the Seven Network's then new in-house drama unit, going into production in May 1985 as "a 15-part courtroom drama". The program had started out as a pilot episode, recorded in early 1984 with the actor Chris Haywood in the lead role. When the pilot episode was remounted later in 1984, Chris Haywood wasn't available and the lead role was re-cast to John Wood. This second recording was eventually broadcast as the program's first episode.