Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 8
Creators: Leo Viirret
Networks: Elisa Viihde Viaplay
Status: Returning Series
First Air Date: Apr 23, 2023
Recent Air Date: Apr 23, 2023
Run Time: m
In Production: Yes
Original Language: Finnish
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: TACK Films
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Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Pete Riski
Second Assistant Director |
Milla Nokelainen
First Assistant Director |
Antti Pöllänen
Tommy Vilén
Script Supervisor |
Katariina Korjus
Writing | Screenplay |
Leo Viirret
Script Editor |
Kati Royle
Production | Executive Producer |
John Lundsten
Melli Maikkula
Laura Kuulasmaa
Line Producer |
Pauliina Piipponen
Production Manager |
Tytti Aho
Casting Director |
Jantsu Puumalainen
Post Production Producer |
Mikko Savinainen
Assistant Location Manager |
Joni Baggström
Kalle Boman
Miikka Valsta
Location Manager |
Jukka Erkkilä
Thea Wassborr
Production Assistant |
Akosua Boffour
Publicist |
Nora Norrlin
Production Coordinator |
Fareedah Qutishat
Casting |
Tutsa Huuhka
Crew | Cinematography |
Jean-Noël Mustonen
Carpenter |
Tiina Kilpiö
Anna Kivinen
Jenni Rauhala
Special Effects Technician |
Konsta Mannerheimo
Stunt Coordinator |
Tung Bui
Stunts |
Judit Sziva
Post-Production Manager |
Viivi Veivo
Driver |
Kaj Tähtinen
Adam O'Connor
Catering |
Niina Leivonen
Production Intern |
Mikko Palomäki
Child Wrangler |
Anne-Maria Roos
Editing | Editor |
Antti Jääskeläinen
Editorial Coordinator |
Sampo Siren
Colorist |
Sarrah Wilkman
Art | Production Design |
Katarina Lume
Property Master |
Kaisa Barbieri
Props |
Cecilia Ebbe
Construction Coordinator |
Teemu Koivistoinen
Jussi Lähteenmäki
Assistant Art Director |
Maija Paavola
Graphic Designer |
Anu Saari
Assistant Property Master |
Kia Standertskjöld-Nordenstam
Costume & Make-Up | Costume Design |
Maria Rosenqvist
Makeup Artist |
Jenna Korva
Makeup Designer |
Pia Mikkonen
Makeup & Hair Assistant |
Siri Pasanen
Costume Assistant |
Mira Korhonen
Costumer |
Meri Neste
Sound | Sound Supervisor |
Niko Henttonen
Sound Editor |
Sakari Karjalainen
Boom Operator |
Leevi Kekoni
Kimmo Vänttinen
Sound Designer |
Akseli Soini
Sound Recordist |
Toni Teivaala
Visual Effects | VFX Artist |
Emil Hurskainen
Sampo Siren
Lighting | Lighting Technician |
Aaro Agge
Leevi Kekoni
Joel Kukkonen
Iiro Leskinen
Valtteri Piira
Gaffer |
Karri Pöykiö
Camera | Camera Operator |
Joni Juutilainen
Second Assistant Camera |
Vera Koskeli
Grip |
Aki Laulajainen
Still Photographer |
Ilkka Saastamoinen
First Assistant Camera |
Aaro Visala
Department | Role | Name |
Where to watch The Hired Hand
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