Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 1
Networks: Slice
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Dec 1, 2003
Recent Air Date: Dec 1, 2003
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: Sex, Toys and Chocolate , Alliance Atlantis
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Sex, Toys, & Chocolate is a talk show produced by Alliance Atlantis on cable and satellite in Canada. Premiering on March 5, 2004, new episodes appeared on Life Network and older ones ran on Discovery Health network. It was hosted by Robin Milhausen and Michael Cho. Each show opens with interspersed scenes of Milhausen and Cho discussing some sex-related topic with three women and three men respectively. The men and women are then brought together for a group discussion, followed by role-playing or trivia games at the end. Field reporter Roy Roman interviews people on the streets of Miami about the same topic, which typically include oral sex, masturbation, fetishes, orgasm, pornography, and the like. The show includes explicit language and discussion not seen on American television and is distinguished from other sex-related television series in that it is primarily designed to convey the opinions and experiences of average people and not to convey expert advice.