
Series Details
Seasons: 2
Total Episodes: 117
Creators: Ford Riley
Networks: Disney Channel , Disney Junior
Status: Returning Series
First Air Date: Apr 4, 2009
Recent Air Date: May 17, 2012
Run Time: m
In Production: Yes
Original Language: English
Age Rating: L
Website: Link
Production Companies:
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Episode 1
04 April 2009 - To Grandma With Love
While Oso is practicing mountain climbing, he receives a special assignment. A girl named Stacie loses a card she has made for Grandma's birthday, and it's up to Oso to help look for it and send it in the mail.

Episode 2
04 April 2009 - Gold Flower
Oso receives a special assignment while practicing walking in space. He helps a girl, Molly, plant marigold flowers in her garden. Can they complete the assignment before Molly's mother comes home from the store?

Episode 3
04 April 2009 - Never Say No Brushing Again
Oso takes a break from his training mission to help a boy, Danny, brush his teeth. Can Oso help Danny keep his teeth clean so his mother can read his new bedtime story book?

Episode 4
04 April 2009 - The Girl With the Golden Book
While doing one of his training missions, Oso gets a special alert. A girl named Samantha has a torn storybook and its up to Oso to help repair it. Can he help her put it back together before her mother finishes giving her baby brother a bath?

Episode 5
05 April 2009 - Live and Jump Rope
While Oso practices jumping laser beams, Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. He helps a girl, Abby, learn how to jump rope. Will she and Oso be able to jump rope before her friend comes over for a playdate?

Episode 6
05 April 2009 - A View to a Kitten
Oso receives a special alert while looking for a hidden spy plane. A boy named Aaron is having trouble with his mother's camera. Its up to Oso to help him take a picture of his kitten before Aaron and his mother leave for Grandpa's.

Episode 7
06 April 2009 - A View to a Book
As Agent Wolfy gives Oso a driving lesson, he receives a special assignment. Oso helps a boy named Joe check out a library book about dinosaurs. He is bringing one of his dinosaurs to show and tell tomorrow. Can Oso check the book out before the library closes?

Episode 8
06 April 2009 - Diamonds Are for Kites
Oso gets a special assignment while being trained to cross a ravine. He helps a girl named Sarah fly her kite in the park. When they find there isn't enough wind to fly kites, can Oso still save the day?

Episode 9
07 April 2009 - The Boy With the Golden Gift
As Oso tries to figure out a mystery picture, a special assignment is delivered. He helps a boy, Michael, wrap a birthday present for his friend Quinn's birthday. Can Oso help Michael wrap his friend's present before he and his mother leave for the party?

Episode 10
07 April 2009 - Birthdays are Forever
While Oso tries fixing the air brakes on his special agent train, he gets a special assignment to help a boy named Quin make a birthday hat. It is up to Oso to help him make the hat so he can get a picture of himself wearing it.

Episode 11
08 April 2009 - Carousel Royale
Oso is being trained to load a statue onto his special agent train when a special alert is called. A girl named Cassie has lost her ticket to ride the carousel. In order for her to ride it, Oso helps her find her lost ticket.

Episode 12
08 April 2009 - Leaf Raker
While Oso sees how well he does without any of his agent gadgets, a special alert is called. He helps a boy named Dawson rake the leaves in his front yard. Can they get the job done before the recycling truck comes to pick them up?

Episode 13
09 April 2009 - Thunder Berries
As Oso paints his motorcycle with invisibility paint for his training exercise, he accidently gets some on R.R. Rapide when he receives a special alert. He helps a girl named Grace pick strawberries on a farm for her family lunch. Can Oso and Grace pick the berries for dessert and wash them before the food is ready?

Episode 14
09 April 2009 - Flowers Are Forever
Oso is learning how to fly his space jet when a special alert is called. A girl named Caroline is having trouble finding wild flowers by herself for a school assignment. It's up to Oso to help her pick them before Caroline and her family leave for home.

Episode 15
10 April 2009 - For Your Nice Bunny
Oso is trying to get an envelope out of a building while avoiding puppies who are after him in hot pursuit when a special alert is called. He shows two kids, Jim and Mia, the proper way to bring a bunny to school. Can they get Bunbun's cage ready in time for show and tell?

Episode 16
10 April 2009 - For Pancakes With Love
Oso is in space replacing solar panels of the tracking satellite when he receives a special assignment. He helps a girl, Olivia, prepare fresh-made pancakes. They need to measure out the ingredients and stir the batter up before her grandparents arrive for breakfast.

Episode 17
11 April 2009 - License to Clean
As Oso goes in search of a red jewel in a cave, a special alert is called. A boy named Jake couldn't find one of his soccer shoes, and his room is a mess. Oso helps him clean his messy room. Can they get Jake's room cleaned up and find his shoe before soccer practice?

Episode 18
11 April 2009 - On Her Cousin's Special Salad
Oso dives in for a submarine search when he receives a special alert. He helps a girl, Jade, prepare a salad for her cousin Rachel who has food allergies. They'll need to wash, chop, and toss the vegetables to make the salad. Can they do it all before Rachel comes over for lunch?

Episode 19
13 April 2009 - Hide Another Day
While Oso is training to take apart a grappling hook apart and put it back and put it back together, a boy named David needs help playing hide and seek. Can Oso help David find all his cousins before he and his mother leave for home?

Episode 20
13 April 2009 - Live and Let Dry
Live and Let Dry: As Oso gets trained to paddle a kayak down a river, he receives a special alert. Oso helps a boy, Logan, wash and dry dishes. Can he and Oso complete the assignment before Logan leaves for school?

Episode 21
18 April 2009 - Dr. Off
A special alert is called as Oso searches for a hidden tunnel in the city. He teaches a girl, Adison, how to conserve power and water. They must turn off the unused lights, TVs and water faucets before family game night.

Episode 22
18 April 2009 - License to Dress
While Oso dresses into his scuba gear for a training assignment, he receives a special alert. He helps a boy, Frank, dress for school and Oso learns to dress by himself as well. Can Oso and Frank get dressed properly before Frank leaves for school?

Episode 23
25 April 2009 - Octo-Puzzle
While Oso is out on the top of a tall tower looking for a red sports car, a special alert is called. A boy named Jack is trying to put together a jigsaw puzzle of an octopus to show his dad when he comes home. It's up to Oso to help him sort out the pieces and put it together.

Episode 24
25 April 2009 - One Suitcase Is Now Enough
While Oso tries unlocking a high security lock which opens a door to a room full of special gadgets, he receives a special alert. He helps a boy, Cody, pack a suitcase with things he needs for a week-long family vacation at the beach. Will they find everything Cody needs for the trip before the family leaves for the airport?

Episode 25
02 May 2009 - Three Wheels Are Not Enough
While Oso is in space on a training mission, a special alert is called. On Earth, a boy named Paulie is pulling a wagon full of party supplies to a friend's house when one of the wheels falls off. With a little team work, Oso and Paulie together must fix the wagon before his friend comes home for the surprise birthday party.

Episode 26
02 May 2009 - A Zoo to a Thrill
Paw Pilot calls in a special alert as Oso looks for a disc hidden behind a painting. A girl named Joon Kim is visiting a petting zoo, and she is having trouble feeding a llama. Can Oso help her feed the llama before the zoo closes?

Episode 27
16 May 2009 - The Girl Who Cheered Me
As Oso tries transporting a package from his train to his helicopter, Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. Oso helps a girl, Maria, learn how to do a team cheer to help her sister Josie's team, the Gators. Will Maria be able to cheer for Josie's team, and will the Gators win the soccer game?

Episode 28
16 May 2009 - License to Twirl
As Oso sails his boat to a submarine, he receives a special assignment. Oso teaches a girl named Ava how to twirl a hoop-a-loop. Will she be able to twirl a hoop to join a hoop-a-loop party with her sister and her friends?

Episode 29
23 May 2009 - For Show and Tell Only
Wolfie assigns Oso to have Rapide the train carry his boat to the sea. Suddenly, a special alert is called. A boy named Grayson needs help, because it's his first show and tell at school. It's up to Oso to help him pick something special to show to his classmates and tell them about it.

Episode 30
23 May 2009 - Piggy Bank Royale
Oso is in space practicing flying through a mediar shower when he receives a special alert. On Earth, a girl named Michele accidentally breaks her brother's piggy bank. Oso must help her find the broken piece and glue the piggy bank back together before her brother comes home.

Episode 31
30 May 2009 - Hopscotch Royale
While Oso is being trained to hop onto stones across a swamp to bring animal capsules to the lab, he falls in when a special alert is called. He helps two children at school, John and Alexis, learn how to play hopscotch. Can the three jump all ten squares before recess is over?

Episode 32
30 May 2009 - Goldringer
As Oso is trained to fire his lazar pen for target practice, Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. Oso helps a girl named Chloe learn how to play horseshoes. Can she and Oso get a ringer before Chloe's grandpa comes over to play horseshoes with her?

Episode 33
13 June 2009 - The Living Flashlight
As Oso prepares to launch a deep sea probe, he receives a special alert. Oso helps two boys, Oliver and Theo, change the batteries in their flashlight for a sleepover campout. Can Oso get the flashlight working again before it gets dark?

Episode 34
13 June 2009 - Sand Castle Royale
While Special Agent Oso lumbers through the forest following Agent Wolfie's footprints, a special alert is called. He helps a girl at the beach, Katie, learn how to build a sand castle as a surprise for her mother. Can Oso and Katie build the sand castle before her mother finishes reading her book?

Episode 35
18 July 2009 - License to Chill
As Oso trains to paint his car black, making sure not to touch the wet paint, Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. He helps a boy named Tyler make his sick twin sister, Lily, feel better by making frozen orange juice pops. The taste of the orange juice is to help take the taste of her medicine away. It will be up to Oso and Tyler to freeze the juice before Lily takes her medicine.

Episode 36
18 July 2009 - Goldenfly
One night as Wolfie trains Oso to drive his boat across the water to the dock by following the light of the lighthouse, a special alert is called. Oso helps a boy, William, catch a firefly. Will William be able to catch one before bedtime?

Episode 37
24 August 2009 - Tie Another Day
As Oso trains a horse to jump over a tall fence and keep him from running off, Paw Pilot calls in a special alert. A girl named Tara has new shoes to ware to school. Unfortunately, her new shoes are the lace-up kinds, and Tara has never tied shoelaces before. It will be up to Oso to teach her how to tie her shoes before the bus comes to take her to school.

Episode 38
24 August 2009 - You Only Start Preschool Once
Oso is trying to make an eye scanner recognize him by looking directly at it when a special alert is called. A boy named Sam has just started preschool, but he hasn't made any friends there yet. Oso must show Sam how to make a new friend before his new teacher takes the class on a nature walk.

Episode 39
03 October 2009 - Goldfeather
A girl named Briana finds a bird's nest, and she wants to make a bird feeder to feed them. It is up to Oso to help her learn how to make a bird feeder so the birds don't fly away for the winter.

Episode 40
03 October 2009 - Live and Let Ride
A girl named Emma wants to get to school on time to see Animal Annie, but neither she nor her father could remember where the bus stop is. It will be up to Oso to help them find the bus stop and for Emma to catch the bus.

Episode 41
07 November 2009 - For Your Pies Only
Two brothers, Carlos and Jose, are buying groceries for their mom for an apple pie. However, Carlos doesn't know where to find the ingredients on the list, and Jose isn't helping him. It will be up to Oso to help Carlos buy the groceries.

Episode 42
07 November 2009 - The Plates Are Not Enough
Three sisters, Isabella, Ali, and Elizabeth, are preparing a big family dinner. Isabella volunteers to set the table. There's only one problem: she doesn't know how to set a table. Oso comes to help Isabella before dinner time.

Episode 43
05 December 2009 - For Your Ice Only
Oso tries to keep his balance and helps Carina learn to ice skate;

Episode 44
05 December 2009 - Coldfingers
Christopher and Ashley build a snowman.

Episode 45
30 January 2010 - Nobody Draws it Better
Oso helps a girl, Anna make a new Valentine's Day card, after her dog Mitzie, chewed the old one.

Episode 46
30 January 2010 - Thunderbubble
Oso helps a boy, Andrew blow bubbles for his grandparents' anniversary dance.

Episode 47
17 April 2010 - Recycling is Forever
Special Agent Oso helps Joshua recycle his family’s bottles, cans and paper.

Episode 48
17 April 2010 - GoldSwinger
Special Agent Oso teaches Natalie how to swing on a swing set.
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