Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 2
Creators: Seto Yuuki
Status: Ended
First Air Date: May 29, 2009
Recent Air Date: Jul 31, 2009
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Japanese
Age Rating: TV-MA
Website: Link
Production Companies: Pink Pineapple
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Where to watch Stretta: The Animation
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Ruma is the most beautiful and popular girl on school, she acts nice and polite with her classmates and friends, but she has a side that almost every male student knows and that is that she has the perfect sex body and she likes to have sex with any student she wants, where she wants and when she wants. Actually she only feeds with the sperm of her sexual encounters. The couples from Stringendo & Accelerando also appear in this OVAs and are Stretta's photo-targets so she can masturbate later with their sexual encounters. (Source: ANN)