
Series Details

Seasons: 1

Total Episodes: 1

Creators: Susana Giménez

Networks: Telefe

Status: Returning Series

First Air Date: Apr 1, 1987

Recent Air Date: Apr 1, 1987

Run Time: m

In Production: Yes

Original Language: Spanish

Age Rating: NR

Website: Link

Production Companies: Telefe




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Susana Giménez, often shortened to SG, is an Argentine television talk show that has run nationally since 1987. Owned and hosted by its namesake, Susana Giménez, it remains one of the highest-rated TV shows in Argentine television history. Due to the popularity of the show, Giménez is usually compared to Oprah Winfrey. The TV show is one of the most successful in Latin America. The TV show is the only one in Latin America to receive dozens of international stars of Hollywood and Europe. Inspired by Pronto, Rafaella, hosted by Rafaella Carrá, the show was originally called Hola Susana and then Hola Susana, te estamos llamando. It has combined interviews, sketch comedy, games and live musical performances. Giménez has received national and international stars in what is known as her "living". In 1998 the show entered Guinness World Records because of all the letters Giménez received in her show, 32 million in total. Furthermore, during the first years of the show, telephone lines collapsed. Susana Giménez is one of the longest-running television talk shows in Argentine history. The show has received 21 Martín Fierro Awards, including the Golden Martín Fierro and Platinum Martín Fierro.

Main Cast

Susana Giménez

Susana Giménez

Herself - Hostess

Age : N/A | Popularity : 26%



Department Role Name
Directing Director
Writing Writer
Production Executive Producer
Editing Colorist
Department Role Name

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