
TMDB Rating 5.5

Series Details

Seasons: 2

Total Episodes: 68

Creators: Taner Tunc

Networks: Kanal 7

Status: Returning Series

First Air Date: Feb 11, 2024

Recent Air Date: Oct 25, 2024

Run Time: m

In Production: Yes

Original Language: Turkish

Age Rating: NR

Website: Link

Production Companies:




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The continuation of the lineage of a deep-rooted family depends on Cihan Develioğlu's unborn son, but Cihan cannot have a child due to his wife. Mukadder plays a cruel game for her son Cihan to have a son. Mukadder goes to Cihan's wife, Beyza, with a dangerous proposal and asks her to divorce her son. Named after her sharp looks, Hançer faces an offer that will turn her life upside down. Mukadder, who takes advantage of the fact that Hançer is poor and has a family that will not cause trouble, offers her the opportunity to marry her son and give birth to a male child. Hançer, who dreams of finding the love of her life and having a happy marriage, first rejects this offer. However, she is forced to accept the offer when she learns that her brother has a deadly illness. Cihan and Hançer, who have entered an irreversible path, will no longer be the same. Will these two young people, drawn into a big game and lost in a dark maze, fall under the spell of love contrary to the planned games?

Main Cast

Talya Çelebi

Talya Çelebi


Age : N/A | Popularity : 54%

Cenay Türksever

Cenay Türksever


Age : N/A | Popularity : 31%

Sidal Damar

Sidal Damar


Age : N/A | Popularity : 31%

Betigül Ceylan

Betigül Ceylan

Mukadder Develioglu

Age : N/A | Popularity : 8%

Kutay Şahin

Kutay Şahin


Age : N/A | Popularity : 12%

Can Tarakçı

Can Tarakçı


Age : N/A | Popularity : 6%

Ceren Yüksekkaya

Ceren Yüksekkaya


Age : 41 | Popularity : 9%



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