Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 5
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Dec 22, 1994
Recent Air Date: May 29, 1997
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Japanese
Age Rating: 18
Website: Link
Production Companies: Horannabi , Pink Pineapple
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Maya: unspeakably beautiful, her body drives men insane with desire. Wherever she goes, chaos erupts just for a chance to touch her sensuous body and experience true ecstasy... In a devastated world where power and cruelty dominate, Maya arrives in a city overshadowed by its immense tower brothel. Captured, she becomes the latest addition to the brothel and a favorite plaything for the tower's Master and his unquenchable lusts. Will Maya raise the tower to new heights of pleasure? Or will it all come tumbling down as men seek to possess her through any means necessary?