Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 12
Networks: SBS
Status: In Production
First Air Date: Nov 24, 2018
Recent Air Date: Feb 9, 2019
Run Time: m
In Production: Yes
Original Language: Korean
Age Rating: 12
Website: Link
Production Companies:
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A new type of survival show is here. Hottest stars in the industry try to find the next future stars. Stars become the fan of the future stars and try to support them. While competing one another, these future stars have to gather as much fans from the public. Which star will pick the brightest start of all? Who will the nation pick? Various stars will pay a visit to the show each week to introduce the rookies to the viewers. Stay tuned for beautiful performances and amazing talent that shines. Which celebrity will be gather the most fans for their rookie? Which rookie will be chosen by the public? The toughest competition begins now.