Series Details
Seasons: 7
Total Episodes: 151
Creators: Bruno Heller
Networks: CBS
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Sep 23, 2008
Recent Air Date: Feb 18, 2015
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: TV-14
Website: Link
Production Companies: Warner Bros. Television , Primrose Hill Productions
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California Bureau of Investigation consultant Patrick Jane has a blatant lack of protocol but is self-assured and driven. The former "psychic" uses his talent for seeing the clues everyone else misses to solve the most baffling crimes. But there's more than crime: Lisbon and Cho reveal hints about their troubled pasts. Violence fells one CBI boss, and the new boss seems more interested in authority than teamwork. And as the Van Pelt-Rigsby relationship heats up, it threatens to cool down their careers.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Co-Executive Producer |
Tom Szentgyorgyi
Ashley Gable
Supervising Producer |
Eoghan Mahony
Executive Producer |
Chris Long
Bruno Heller
Sound | Original Music Composer |
Blake Neely
Camera | Director of Photography |
Geary McLeod
Department | Role | Name |