Series Details
Seasons: 3
Total Episodes: 27
Creators: Henrik Jansson-Schweizer
Networks: SVT1
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Jan 27, 2014
Recent Air Date: Apr 24, 2020
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Swedish
Age Rating: 12
Website: Link
Production Companies: Nice Drama , Filmpool Nord
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The beautiful island of Sunnanö in the Swedish archipelago is home to a popular B&B run by Anna-Lisa and her son Oskar. Anna-Lisa has summoned her daughter Jonna, an actress, and son Lasse, an opportunist, to the island. It is the first time in years that they are together again. When Anna-Lisa is found dead one morning, the siblings learn that she had terminal cancer: Her will stipulates that all three siblings must run the family B&B together for a year, or they won't inherit it at all. It is a mother’s last effort to reunite her children. But it will also confront them with the family’s unsolved past, present forces of attraction, and a very dark secret buried in a most unfortunate place...