Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 6
Creators: Rémi Fréchette , Jerome Cloutier
Networks: Frissons TV
Status: Returning Series
First Air Date: Nov 1, 2023
Recent Air Date: Dec 6, 2023
Run Time: m
In Production: Yes
Original Language: French
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: Camera Chaos , MLC Productions
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Policewoman Marjolaine Coppola is trying to find her sister, who was kidnapped on the same day their parents were murdered. The group responsible is believed to be working for Franz DeMann, the megalomaniac businessman trying to become mayor of Ridgeway City. Following an attempt on his life, Marjolaine finds herself teamed up with Tie Man, a vigilante who was victimized by the same men, and who has only one thing on his mind: revenge!
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Writing | Writer | |
Camera | Director of Photography | |
Editing | Editor | |
Production | Producer | |
Directing | Director | |
Department | Role | Name |