Series Details
Seasons: 0
Total Episodes: 0
Creators: Gordon Pinsent
Status: Ended
First Air Date: N/A
Recent Air Date: N/A
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: CBC
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This half-hour comedy/drama that centred on a St. John's boarding house. Verna Ball, played by Mary Walsh, owned the house, and Jack Howse, played by Ray Guy, was her long-standing lodger. Janis Spence played Mrs. O'Mara, who lived next door, and Kevin Noble was Dolph, the myopic driver of the Outport Taxi. Mrs. Ball's boarding house attracted a number of troubled and eccentric characters in a series that trod between humane relationships and comic treatment. A twelve week series, Up At Ours was a rare example of continuing drama produced in a regional CBC centre and that employed a distinctive local milieu.