
TMDB Rating 7.1
IMDB Rating 8

Series Details

Seasons: 3

Total Episodes: 24

Creators: Wayne Hope , Robyn Butler

Networks: ABC TV

Status: Ended

First Air Date: Aug 15, 2013

Recent Air Date: Nov 30, 2016

Run Time: m

In Production: No

Original Language: English

Age Rating: M

Website: Link

Production Companies: Gristmill




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Follow the stories of two families living at opposite ends of the freeway. Bess Denyar is a doctor with a posh mother, Margaret, an architect husband, Danny Bright, and twin 13-year-olds at a private school, Oscar and Edwina. When Bess finds out that she is adopted, she is stunned, but even more so when she meets her birth parents, Wayne and Julie Wheeler. She also discovers that she has three siblings: Amber, Kayne and Brianna. The bogan Wheelers head up a drag racing team in the outer suburbs and are thrilled to discover the daughter they thought they had lost.

Main Cast

Annie Maynard

Annie Maynard

Bess Denyar

Age : N/A | Popularity : 25%

Patrick Brammall

Patrick Brammall

Danny Bright

Age : N/A | Popularity : 73%

Robyn Malcolm

Robyn Malcolm

Julie Wheeler

Age : N/A | Popularity : 52%

Michala Banas

Michala Banas

Amber Wheeler

Age : 46 | Popularity : 33%

Rhys Mitchell

Rhys Mitchell

Kayne Wheeler

Age : N/A | Popularity : 16%

Madeleine Jevic

Madeleine Jevic

Brianna Wheeler

Age : N/A | Popularity : 22%

Lara Robinson

Lara Robinson

Edwina Bright

Age : N/A | Popularity : 27%

Harrison Feldman

Harrison Feldman

Oscar Bright

Age : N/A | Popularity : 7%



Department Role Name
Production Producer
Executive Producer
Casting Director
Art Art Direction
Production Design
Sound Original Music Composer
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Department Role Name

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