
TMDB Rating 5.2

Series Details

Seasons: 1

Total Episodes: 12

Creators: Hunter Stair , J.D. Ryznar , Lane Farnham


Status: Canceled

First Air Date: Jun 26, 2005

Recent Air Date: Apr 24, 2010

Run Time: m

In Production: No

Original Language: English

Age Rating: NR

Website: Link

Production Companies: Channel 101



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What can be said about Yacht Rock that hasn't been said by various magazines, newspapers and disc jockeys across the country? J.D. Ryznar and Hunter Stair's saga detailing the unknown mythical origins of a previously obscure genre of music struck the audience like a lightning bolt on its first episode, much like fellow 101 breakout House of Cosbys. Unlike HoC, however, Yacht Rock was never sued by its iconic characters' real life counterparts. In fact, it is said that at one time or another, just about every musician lovingly portrayed in the series has witnessed and enjoyed it behind closed doors. Yacht Rock enjoyed success on levels and in ways previously unattained by 101 shows, its title becoming a household phrase at radio stations, a bin at your local record store and a category on iTunes. But beneath its pop cultural triumph was an artistic one that often went undescribed: Yacht Rock's stories were always clever and sometimes downright genius in their assembly, weaving trivi...

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