Series Details
Seasons: 9
Total Episodes: 90
Creators: Vitaly Shlyappo , Vasily Kutsenko , Igor Tudvasev , Dimitry Jan , Pavel Danilov
Networks: Voyo (SI)
Status: Returning Series
First Air Date: Jun 17, 2021
Recent Air Date: Jul 25, 2024
Run Time: m
In Production: Yes
Original Language: Slovenian
Age Rating: NR
Website: Link
Production Companies: Pro Plus
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Jurij Zrnec stepped into the slippers of Chef, the culinary magician of endless talents, even bigger ego and the owner of the best restaurant in Ljubljana, Chateau de Philippe, Ljubomir Bohinc. In anger, Chef can be scary, invincible in entertainment, and royal in forgiveness - especially when it comes to his own mistakes. There are a lot of people underneath, each with their own story. There are often fun situations between them, from which they escape as they know how. Ljubo (as only the bravest call him) has a large team of frightened chefs, cunning helpers, an introverted confectioner, an extremely efficient restaurant manager, fast waiters and a terribly slow bartender.