Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 335
Creators: Fernando Gaitán
Networks: RCN
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Oct 25, 1999
Recent Air Date: Feb 6, 2001
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Spanish
Age Rating: L
Website: Link
Production Companies: RCN
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Where to watch I am Betty, the Ugly one
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Taking place mainly in Bogotá, Colombia, Betty La Fea is essentially a Cinderella comedy about the rise of poor, ugly 'Betty' Pinzón and the fall of rich, handsome Armando Mendoza. Armando is a very incompetent playboy with a scheme to turn a huge profit as the new President of Eco Moda, a famous clothing manufacturing company, but his scheme is doomed because of his faulty mathematics. Because Betty, his secretary (and economics wizard), is in love with him, she helps Armando deceive the Board of Directors as he loses money and brings the company to ruin. Betty, la Fea is arguably the most successful telenovela of all time and one of the most popular television shows in the world. It is the first telenovela to have been remade worldwide and has been regarded as bringing the telenovela to new levels of success.