Revenue: $0
Budget: $9,000,000
Profit: - $-9,000,000
Movie Details
Tag Line: He lives by the sword. They will die by it.
Status: Released
Average Rating: 4
Release Date: Feb 17, 2009
Rating: 2009-02-09
Run Time: 1h 33m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: United States of America , Romania
Production Companies: Steamroller Productions , Castel Film
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Where to watch Against the Dark
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When most of the population of Earth is infected by a virus and transformed into flesh eaters and blood drinking creatures, a group of hunters lead by Tao and his sword chase the vampire zombies to eliminate them. Six non-infected survivors try to find the exit of an abandoned hospital crowded of the infected creatures. Meanwhile, the military is ready to bomb the whole area.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Richard Crudo
Second Unit Director |
G. Peter King
Dickey Beer
First Assistant Director |
Stefan Petcu
Second Assistant Director |
Maria Nita
Script Supervisor |
Cornelia Stefan
Writing | Writer |
Mathew Klickstein
Production | Producer |
Phillip B. Goldfine
Steven Seagal
Co-Producer |
Vlad Păunescu
Co-Executive Producer |
Binh Dang
Joe Halpin
Casting |
Jeff Gerrard
Sue Jones
Sound | Music |
Philip White
Camera | Director of Photography |
Bill Trautvetter
Additional Photography |
Robert Hayes
Second Unit Director of Photography |
Gabriel Kosuth
Steadicam Operator |
Stefan Mangir
Camera Operator |
Liviu Pojoni Jr.
Editing | Editor |
Tim Silano
Art | Art Direction |
Vlad Roseanu
Production Design |
Șerban Porupcă
Set Decoration |
Gina Calin
Costume & Make-Up | Costume Design |
Ana Maria Cucu
Key Makeup Artist |
Daniela Bușoiu
Hairstylist |
David Atherton
Adelina Handuri
Key Hair Stylist |
Letitia Ghenea
Crew | Stunt Coordinator |
Dickey Beer
Gabi Burlacu
Rene Mousseux
Stunts |
Vasile Albineț
Roxana Andronescu
Gabi Burlacu
Florin Barcun
Mihai Danciu
Filip Ciprian Florian
Doru Dumitrescu
Marius Florian
Banica Gheorghe
Jason Gray
Razvan Gheorghiu
Mihai Iliescu
Vlad Iacob
Karin Justman
Mihai Ionita
John Maldea
Radoslav Parvanov
Daniel Pasleaga
Carmen Preda
Doru Raceala
David St. Pierre
Con Schell
Nicolae Stoica
Florin Stancu
Valeriu Tomescu
Maria-Antoaneta Tudor
Utility Stunts |
Daniel Pisica
Lighting | Gaffer |
Calin Catalin
Department | Role | Name |