Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 6
Release Date: Nov 20, 1958
Rating: 1958-11-20
Run Time: 1h 40m
Original Language: German
Website: -
Production Countries: Germany
Production Companies: Bavaria-Filmkunst
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1865: Swiss captain Bluntschli fights as mercenary in the war between Bulgaria and Serbia. When his group's attacked by a few Bulgarian troopers, he learns that he's got the wrong ammunition for his cannon and has to flee. His flight leads him right into the bedroom of his enemy's fiancée.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Franz Peter Wirth
Writing | Writer |
George Bernard Shaw
Eberhard Keindorff
Johanna Sibelius
Editing | Editor |
Claus von Boro
Costume & Make-Up | Makeup Artist |
Ilse Siebert
Raimund Stangl
Costume Design |
Herbert Ploberger
Production | Producer |
Peter Goldbaum
Harry R. Sokal
Sound | Music |
Franz Grothe
Art | Production Design |
Hermann Warm
Camera | Director of Photography |
Klaus von Rautenfeld
Department | Role | Name |