
TMDB Rating 3.7


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 4

Release Date: Feb 19, 2002

Rating: 2002-02-19

Run Time: 1h 30m

Original Language: German

Website: -

Production Countries: Germany

Production Companies:




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Johanna, a beautiful brunette, comes back to her father's house after accomplishing a training course in a car factory in Turin. At home, she reads a note her father had ensconced in the welcome bouquet of flowers: «You're back at last.» Then, she meets her best friend, Jasmin, and they go together to see their group of friends # all have grown up together by the lake. It comes up they have all received a message similar to her own. Next evening, these young persons are having a good time, dancing, flirting, drinking a lot, as a retarded person watches them, and evokes a memory of a similar evening years ago... Then, people start dying around, and in the peaceful lake that hides mysteries they share.

Main Cast

Reiner Schöne

Reiner Schöne

Frank Martens

Age : 83 | Popularity : 60%

Lavinia Wilson

Lavinia Wilson

Johanna Bühring

Age : 45 | Popularity : 36%

Gerd Silberbauer

Gerd Silberbauer

Klaus Bühring

Age : 71 | Popularity : 25%

Dennis Grabosch

Dennis Grabosch

Lukas Andersen

Age : N/A | Popularity : 3%

Ronald Nitschke

Ronald Nitschke

Kommissar Wendtland

Age : N/A | Popularity : 14%

Erwin Leder

Erwin Leder


Age : 73 | Popularity : 29%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Jörg Lühdorff
Jörg Lühdorff
Writing Writer
Tim Krause
Tim Krause
Production Producer
Martin Ganz
Martin Ganz
Robert Stiemerling
Robert Stiemerling
Executive Producer
Stephan Barth
Stephan Barth
Simone Bär
Simone Bär
Sound Music
Oliver Biehler
Oliver Biehler
Sound Mixer
Rene Mikan
Rene Mikan
Sound Editor
Ingo Pusswald
Ingo Pusswald
Malte Zurbonsen
Malte Zurbonsen
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Stefan Korte
Stefan Korte
Sound Designer
Guido Zettier
Guido Zettier
Camera Director of Photography
Philipp Timme
Philipp Timme
Editing Editor
Jens Klüber
Jens Klüber
Art Production Design
Gerald Damovsky
Gerald Damovsky
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Marion Boegel
Marion Boegel
Makeup Artist
Ivo Strangmüller
Ivo Strangmüller
Department Role Name

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