
TMDB Rating 6.2


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 6

Release Date: Jun 11, 1951

Rating: 1951-06-11

Run Time: 1h 29m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United Kingdom

Production Companies: Two Cities Films




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Encore is a 1951 anthology film composed of adaptations of three short stories by W. Somerset Maugham: "The Ant and the Grasshopper", directed by Pat Jackson and adapted by T. E. B. Clarke; "Winter Cruise", helmed by Anthony Pelissier, screenplay by Arthur Macrae; "Gigolo and Gigolette", directed by Harold French, written by Eric Ambler. It is the last film in a Maugham trilogy, preceded by Quartet and Trio.

Main Cast

Glynis Johns

Glynis Johns

Stella Cotman

Age : N/A | Popularity : 51%

Nigel Patrick

Nigel Patrick

Tom Ramsay

Age : 68 | Popularity : 30%

Roland Culver

Roland Culver

George Ramsay

Age : 83 | Popularity : 32%

Alison Leggatt

Alison Leggatt

Freda Ramsay

Age : 86 | Popularity : 16%

Charles Victor

Charles Victor

Mr. Bateman

Age : N/A | Popularity : 12%

Peter Graves

Peter Graves

Philip Cronshaw

Age : N/A | Popularity : 9%

Margaret Withers

Margaret Withers

Mrs. Bateman

Age : N/A | Popularity : 11%

Margaret Vyner

Margaret Vyner

Gertrude Wilmot

Age : N/A | Popularity : 10%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Anthony Pelissier
Anthony Pelissier
Harold French
Harold French
Pat Jackson
Pat Jackson
Editing Editor
Alfred Roome
Alfred Roome
Writing Screenplay
Eric Ambler
Eric Ambler
Arthur Macrae
Arthur Macrae
T. E. B. Clarke
T. E. B. Clarke
W. Somerset Maugham
W. Somerset Maugham
Camera Director of Photography
Desmond Dickinson
Desmond Dickinson
Sound Original Music Composer
Richard Addinsell
Richard Addinsell
Department Role Name

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