
TMDB Rating 6.5
IMDB Rating 6.8


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Dec 23, 2011

Rating: 2011-12-23

Run Time: 2h 15m

Original Language: Japanese

Website: -

Production Countries: Japan

Production Companies: Yoshidamasaki , Bandai Visual , Kinoshita Komuten , TV Asahi , Watanabe Entertainment , SBI Holdings , Broadmedia Studios , Toei Company , Asatsu-DK



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Watch Isoroku Yamamoto, the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet

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Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto (1884-1943) was the Japanese Naval commander who was given the order to attack Pearl Harbour, an order he was duty bound to obey which went against his own personal beliefs. While this infamous attack is a low point in Japanese and US history it wouldn’t have happened if the Japanese government had listened to Yamamoto in 1939 and searched for a more peaceful way to end their war campaign, proving his many ominous presages of the outcomes of the attack to come true.

Main Cast

Koji Yakusho

Koji Yakusho

Isoroku Yamamoto

Age : N/A | Popularity : 59%

Hiroshi Abe

Hiroshi Abe

Yamaguchi Tamon

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Akira Emoto

Akira Emoto


Age : N/A | Popularity : 39%

Hiroshi Tamaki

Hiroshi Tamaki

Toshikazu Shindo

Age : N/A | Popularity : 27%

Teruyuki Kagawa

Teruyuki Kagawa

Keikiyoshi Munakata

Age : N/A | Popularity : 68%

Bandō Mitsugorō X

Bandō Mitsugorō X


Age : N/A | Popularity : 9%

Nobuko Miyamoto

Nobuko Miyamoto

Yamamoto's mother

Age : N/A | Popularity : 47%

Toshiro Yanagiba

Toshiro Yanagiba

Shigeyoshi Inoue

Age : N/A | Popularity : 64%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Izuru Narushima
Izuru Narushima
Writing Screenplay
Kenzaburô Iida
Kenzaburô Iida
Yasuo Hasegawa
Yasuo Hasegawa
Sound Music
Taro Iwashiro
Taro Iwashiro
Fumio Hashimoto
Fumio Hashimoto
Editing Editor
Hirohide Abe
Hirohide Abe
Production Producer
Shohei Kotaki
Shohei Kotaki
Visual Effects Visual Effects Supervisor
Shûji Asano
Shûji Asano
Visual Effects Producer
Akio Kazumi
Akio Kazumi
Lighting Gaffer
Tatsuya Osada
Tatsuya Osada
Camera Director of Photography
Takahide Shibanushi
Takahide Shibanushi
Crew Special Effects Coordinator
Aki Monster
Aki Monster
Aerial Coordinator
Stephanie Ahlen
Stephanie Ahlen
Department Role Name

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