
TMDB Rating 6.5
IMDB Rating 6.9
RottenTomatoes Rating 56%


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line: It will take you into a surreal world of passion and sexuality, further than most would dare to go.

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Sep 8, 1982

Rating: 1983-04-29

Run Time: 1h 48m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: Germany , France

Production Companies: Gaumont , Planet Film




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A handsome Belgian sailor on shore leave in the port of Brest, who is also a drug-smuggler and murderer, embarks upon a voyage of highly charged and violent homosexual self-discovery that will change him forever from the man he once was.

Main Cast

Brad Davis

Brad Davis


Age : N/A | Popularity : 52%

Franco Nero

Franco Nero

Lieutenant Seblon

Age : N/A | Popularity : 5%

Jeanne Moreau

Jeanne Moreau


Age : N/A | Popularity : 41%

Laurent Malet

Laurent Malet

Roger Bataille

Age : N/A | Popularity : 14%

Hanno Pöschl

Hanno Pöschl

Robert / Gil

Age : N/A | Popularity : 40%

Günther Kaufmann

Günther Kaufmann


Age : N/A | Popularity : 36%

Burkhard Driest

Burkhard Driest


Age : 80 | Popularity : 25%

Roger Fritz

Roger Fritz


Age : 88 | Popularity : 17%


Department Role Name
Production Publicist
Mina Kindl
Mina Kindl
Mickey Cottrell
Mickey Cottrell
Unit Production Manager
Jürgen von Kornatzki
Jürgen von Kornatzki
Michael McLernon
Michael McLernon
Production Manager
Rüdiger Lange
Rüdiger Lange
Unit Manager
Dieter Kaiser
Dieter Kaiser
Executive Producer
Michael McLernon
Michael McLernon
Burkhard Driest
Burkhard Driest
Production Designer
Rolf Zehetbauer
Rolf Zehetbauer
Dieter Schidor
Dieter Schidor
Sam Waynberg
Sam Waynberg
Production Accountant
Christian Zertz
Christian Zertz
Directing Assistant Director
Karin Viesel
Karin Viesel
Harry Baer
Harry Baer
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Editing Assistant Editor
Galip Iyitanir
Galip Iyitanir
Stephan Beckers
Stephan Beckers
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Juliane Lorenz
Juliane Lorenz
Camera Grip
Ernst Simoneit
Ernst Simoneit
Ingo Klein
Ingo Klein
Wolfgang Geier
Wolfgang Geier
Olaf Knispl
Olaf Knispl
Director of Photography
Josef Vavra
Josef Vavra
Xaver Schwarzenberger
Xaver Schwarzenberger
Still Photographer
Roger Fritz
Roger Fritz
Key Grip
Michael Stöger
Michael Stöger
Lighting Electrician
Eckard Knuth
Eckard Knuth
Wolfgang Kluge
Wolfgang Kluge
Wolfgang Geier
Wolfgang Geier
Siegmar Brüggenthies
Siegmar Brüggenthies
Ekkehard Heinrich
Ekkehard Heinrich
Art Props
Thomas Schappert
Thomas Schappert
Olaf Schiefner
Olaf Schiefner
Art Direction
Walter E. Richarz
Walter E. Richarz
Friedrich Thaler
Friedrich Thaler
Costume & Make-Up Costume Designer
Monika Jacobs
Monika Jacobs
Barbara Baum
Barbara Baum
Wardrobe Assistant
Eva Fleischmann
Eva Fleischmann
Kurt Schönwälder
Kurt Schönwälder
Makeup Artist
Gerhard Nemetz
Gerhard Nemetz
Ingrid Massmann-Körner
Ingrid Massmann-Körner
Writing Novel
Jean Genet
Jean Genet
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Burkhard Driest
Burkhard Driest
Sound Original Music Composer
Peer Raben
Peer Raben
Hartmut Eichgrün
Hartmut Eichgrün
Vladimir Vizner
Vladimir Vizner
Sound Assistant
Helmut Röttgen
Helmut Röttgen
Foley Mixer
Martin Steyer
Martin Steyer
Dialogue Editor
Paulette Rubinstein
Paulette Rubinstein
ADR Mixer
Martin Steyer
Martin Steyer
Foley Artist
Mel Kutbay
Mel Kutbay
Crew Catering
Peggy Zertz
Peggy Zertz
Heidrun Schmandt
Heidrun Schmandt
Dieter Gackstetter
Dieter Gackstetter
Production Office Assistant
Sybille Fanelsa
Sybille Fanelsa
Stephan Bauch
Stephan Bauch
Fredy Alexander
Fredy Alexander
El Hedi ben Salem
El Hedi ben Salem
Susanne Philipp
Susanne Philipp
Department Role Name

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