Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line:
Status: Released
Average Rating: 7
Release Date: Nov 16, 2011
Rating: 2011-11-16
Run Time: 2h 16m
Original Language: French
Website: Link
Production Countries: France , French Polynesia , New Caledonia
Production Companies: France 2 Cinéma , UGC , Studio 37 , Nord-Ouest Films , CNC , Agence Nationale pour la Cohésion Sociale et l'Egalité des Chances (ACSE) , Fonds Images de la Diversité , Kasso Productions , Cofimage 22 , Cofinova 7 , Soficinéma 6
People Rated This
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Mathieu Kassovitz
Camera | Director of Photography |
Marc Koninckx
Writing | Screenplay |
Mathieu Kassovitz
Pierre Geller
Benoît Jaubert
Serge Frydman
Editing | Editor |
Mathieu Kassovitz
Thomas Béard
Lionel Devuyst
Sound | Original Music Composer |
Klaus Badelt
Sound Recordist |
Adrien Guillemot
Ludovic Delzenne
Yves Coméliau
Sound |
Guillaume Bouchateau
Cyril Holtz
Philippe Amouroux
Frédéric Mascaras
Tuhiva Lambert
Sound Editor |
Antoine Baudouin
Foley |
Nicolas Becker
Nicolas Fioraso
Foley Recordist |
Damien Lazzerini
Benjamin Viau
Sound Mixer |
Cyril Holtz
Philippe Amouroux
Production | Producer |
Mathieu Kassovitz
Christophe Rossignon
Frédérique Dumas-Zajdela
Philip Boëffard
Executive Producer |
Ève François Machuel
Casting |
David Bertrand
Gigi Akoka
Costume & Make-Up | Costume Design |
Agnès Beziers
Makeup Artist |
Alexis Kinebanyan
Art | Production Design |
Bruno Coupe
Emmanuelle Cuillery
Giuseppe Ponturo
Visual Effects | VFX Supervisor |
Rodolphe Chabrier
Delphine Domer
Special Effects Supervisor |
Georges Demétrau
Visual Effects Producer |
Jacques Bled
Crew | Stunt Coordinator |
Laurent Alexandre
Additional Music |
Andrew Raiher
Department | Role | Name |
Where to watch Rebellion
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