Revenue: $0
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Movie Details
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Status: Released
Average Rating: 5
Release Date: Sep 12, 2009
Rating: 2009-09-12
Run Time: 12h 43m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: United States of America
Production Companies: Jo Jo Productions
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Set in the Cold War era of the 1950's, Relations between the United States and Russia are tense. Senator Joseph McCarthy has many Americans convinced that the Communists have infiltrated society. Paranoia runs rampant, as decent Americans lose their jobs on suspicion alone. Floyd Woods served as one of the FBl's top Special Agents until he was accused of having Communist sympathies. Floyd lost his job despite lack of evidence to support these claims. He now works as a small time insurance investigator, who's flown into the small town of Sherrill, NY to investigate a life insurance claim, only to find himself distracted by the locals' odd behavior.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Kieran Thompson
Writing | Writer |
Dakota Aesquivel
Department | Role | Name |