
TMDB Rating 6.8


Revenue: $0

Budget: $0

Profit: - $0

Movie Details

Tag Line:

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Jan 17, 1990

Rating: 2022-10-01

Run Time: 12h 57m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United Kingdom , United States of America

Production Companies: Sire Records , Channel 4 Television




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Songs for Drella is a concept album by Lou Reed and John Cale, both formerly of The Velvet Underground, and is dedicated to the memory of Andy Warhol, their mentor, who had died unexpectedly in 1987. Drella was a nickname for Warhol coined by Warhol Superstar Ondine, a contraction of Dracula and Cinderella, used by Warhol's crowd. The song cycle focuses on Warhol's interpersonal relations and experiences, with songs falling roughly into three categories: Warhol's first-person perspective (which makes up the vast majority of the album), third-person narratives chronicling events and affairs, and first-person commentaries on Warhol by Reed and Cale themselves. The songs on the album are, to some extent, in chronological order.

Main Cast

Lou Reed

Lou Reed


Age : 71 | Popularity : 46%

John Cale

John Cale


Age : 82 | Popularity : 21%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Edward Lachman
Edward Lachman
Second Assistant Director
Aaron Sadovsky
Aaron Sadovsky
Assistant Director
Matthew T. Weiner
Matthew T. Weiner
Production Executive Producer
Malcolm Gerrie
Malcolm Gerrie
Jonathan Hewes
Jonathan Hewes
Consulting Producer
Mitch Owgang
Mitch Owgang
Production Manager
Victoria Westhead
Victoria Westhead
Sound Original Music Composer
John Cale
John Cale
Lou Reed
Lou Reed
Editing Editor
Jay Freund
Jay Freund
Camera Key Grip
Robert M. Andres
Robert M. Andres
Camera Operator
Paul Cameron
Paul Cameron
Francis Kenny
Francis Kenny
Sandi Sissel
Sandi Sissel
Igor Sunara
Igor Sunara
Director of Photography
Edward Lachman
Edward Lachman
Lighting Gaffer
Craig Nelson
Craig Nelson
Chris Rosen
Chris Rosen
Lighting Design
Robert Wierzel
Robert Wierzel
Crew In Memory Of
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol
Department Role Name

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