
MetaCritic Rating 58%
TMDB Rating 7.2
IMDB Rating 7.4
RottenTomatoes Rating 61%


Revenue: $36,348,784

Budget: $50,000,000

Profit: - $-13,651,216

Movie Details

Tag Line: On air. Off shore. Out of control.

Status: Released

Average Rating: 7

Release Date: Apr 1, 2009

Rating: 2009-11-13

Run Time: 2h 15m

Original Language: English

Website: Link

Production Countries: United Kingdom , France , Germany , United States of America

Production Companies: Universal Pictures , Working Title Films , Medienproduktion Prometheus Filmgesellschaft , Portobello Studios , Tightrope Pictures , StudioCanal , Portobello Productions , Working Title Films




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An ensemble comedy, where the romance is between the young people of the 60s, and pop music. It's about a band of DJs that captivate Britain, playing the music that defines a generation and standing up to a government that wanted control of popular culture via the British Broadcasting Corporation. Loosely based on the events in Britain in the 60's when the Labour government of Harold Wilson, wanted to bring the pirate radio stations under control, enough to see the passage of the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act on 15 August 1967. Also known as "Pirate Radio".

Main Cast

Tom Sturridge

Tom Sturridge


Age : N/A | Popularity : 42%

Philip Seymour Hoffman

Philip Seymour Hoffman

The Count

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Rhys Ifans

Rhys Ifans


Age : N/A | Popularity : 26%

Bill Nighy

Bill Nighy


Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Emma Thompson

Emma Thompson


Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

Nick Frost

Nick Frost


Age : N/A | Popularity : 55%

Kenneth Branagh

Kenneth Branagh


Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%

January Jones

January Jones


Age : N/A | Popularity : 88%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
Richard Curtis
Richard Curtis
Writing Writer
Richard Curtis
Richard Curtis
Script Editor
Emma Freud
Emma Freud
Production Producer
Hilary Bevan Jones
Hilary Bevan Jones
Tim Bevan
Tim Bevan
Eric Fellner
Eric Fellner
Ronaldo Vasconcellos
Ronaldo Vasconcellos
Emma Freud
Emma Freud
Executive Producer
Liza Chasin
Liza Chasin
Richard Curtis
Richard Curtis
Debra Hayward
Debra Hayward
Fiona Weir
Fiona Weir
Camera Director of Photography
Danny Cohen
Danny Cohen
Aerial Director of Photography
Jeremy Braben
Jeremy Braben
Second Unit Director of Photography
Martin Kenzie
Martin Kenzie
Camera Trainee
Abigail Catto
Abigail Catto
"A" Camera Operator
Zac Nicholson
Zac Nicholson
Steadicam Operator
Zac Nicholson
Zac Nicholson
"B" Camera Operator
Luke Redgrave
Luke Redgrave
Still Photographer
Alex Bailey
Alex Bailey
Editing Editor
Emma E. Hickox
Emma E. Hickox
Art Production Design
Mark Tildesley
Mark Tildesley
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Joanna Johnston
Joanna Johnston
Department Role Name

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