Person Details
Birthday: 1934-08-18 23:17:10
Death: 2009-02-02 23:17:10
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Nottingham, England, UK
Movie Involvements: 7
TV Involvements: 2
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
The Professionals
(1977) DustyThe Sweeney
(1975) Ernie MillanThe Duellists
(1977) SurgeonPrick Up Your Ears
(1987) BBC Actor 2The Lifeswappers
(1976) Trevor/Miss Trevor/BunnyThe Changeling
(1974) FranciscusDoran's Box
(1976) Dr. PeelThe Disappearance of Harry
(1982) Factory ForemanActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1987 | BBC Actor 2 | |
1986 | 3rd Warehouseman | |
Andy Coote | ||
1982 | Factory Foreman | |
1979 | Ronnie Raikes | |
1977 | Dusty | |
Surgeon | ||
1976 | Trevor/Miss Trevor/Bunny | |
Dr. Peel | ||
1975 | Ernie Millan | |
1974 | Franciscus | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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