Person Details
Birthday: 1916-02-17 13:18:00
Death: 1993-01-21 13:18:00
Aliases: Diarmuid Kelly
Gender: Male
Place of birth: Dublin, Ireland
Movie Involvements: 8
TV Involvements: 2
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
The Champions
(1968) Lighthouse KeeperTreasure Island
(1950) BolenThe Adventures of William Tell
(1958) Von EckenburgDoctor Who: The Chase
(1965) Capt. Benjamin BriggsThe Hand
(1960) MarshallThe Cherry Orchard
(1981) Station MasterUnited Kingdom
(1981) Home SecretaryDoctor Who: The Smugglers
(1966) Jacob KewperActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1990 | Enoch Simpson | |
1987 | Elderly Guest | |
1981 | Home Secretary | |
Station Master | ||
1976 | Marigold's Father | |
1968 | Lighthouse Keeper | |
1966 | Jacob Kewper | |
1965 | Capt. Benjamin Briggs | |
1960 | Marshall | |
1958 | Von Eckenburg | |
1950 | Bolen | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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