Person Details
Birthday: 1915-01-04 17:12:09
Death: 2016-01-12 17:12:09
Aliases: No known aliases
Gender: Female
Place of birth:
Movie Involvements: 7
TV Involvements: 7
Most Famous Work
Most Famous Work
Law & Order
(1990) Harriet KeenanAlfred Hitchcock Presents
(1955) Ellen BlanchardNaked City
(1958) Rosalind WinfordFatal Attraction
(1987) Joan RogersonOrdinary People
(1980) GrandmotherSomeone to Watch Over Me
(1987) Antonia VoldtEyes of Laura Mars
(1978) Doris SpenserStudio One
(1948) Mrs. TaggertActing
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
1990 | Helen Ralston | |
Harriet Keenan | ||
1987 | Antonia Voldt | |
Joan Rogerson | ||
1984 | Mrs. Anthony P. Kirby | |
1983 | Mace Lover | |
1980 | Grandmother | |
1979 | Bea Ramsey | |
1978 | N/A | |
Doris Spenser | ||
Louise Crawford | ||
1971 | Mrs. Anthony P. Kirby | |
1958 | Rosalind Winford | |
1955 | N/A | |
Martha Sturgis | ||
Ellen Blanchard | ||
1951 | N/A | |
1949 | N/A | |
1948 | N/A | |
Lady Laracor | ||
Mrs. Taggert | ||
1946 | N/A | |
Year | Character | Movie/Tv |
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