Series Details
Seasons: 6
Total Episodes: 75
Creators: Jonathan Lisco
Networks: TNT
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Jun 14, 2016
Recent Air Date: Aug 28, 2022
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: English
Age Rating: TV-MA
Website: Link
Production Companies: John Wells Productions , Warner Bros. Television , Royal Ties Productions , Warner Horizon Television
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After his mother dies of a heroin overdose, Joshua 'J' Cody moves in with his estranged grandmother, Janine ‘Smurf' Cody in Oceanside, California. He finds himself drawn into a dark world funded by criminal activities that he's been shielded from for years, as she and his uncles plan their upcoming heist. J must prove his loyalty to stay alive, all the while learning that Smurf is the intense, beguiling, and complicated matriarch, who rules over "her boys" with a borderline incestuous love.
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Department | Role | Name |