
TMDB Rating 7.5
IMDB Rating 7.6

Series Details

Seasons: 7

Total Episodes: 69


Networks: tv asahi

Status: Ended

First Air Date: Oct 18, 2012

Recent Air Date: Dec 16, 2021

Run Time: m

In Production: No

Original Language: Japanese

Age Rating: 15

Website: Link

Production Companies:




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Where to watch Doctor-X: Surgeon Michiko Daimon

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Daimon Michiko is a 37-year-old freelance surgeon who is part of a questionable “doctor placement service” that has her wander from hospital to hospital. The harsh environment at the hospitals led many doctors to retire from their positions, forcing hospitals to make use of said program to fill the empty spots at least temporary. However, Michiko doesn’t look like a doctor at all with her flashy clothes and eccentric attitude. In the first episode she raises objections to a certain operation which is planned to be done by the head of a hospital who hasn’t performed an operation for a very long time. This causes Michiko to incur odium at the hospital, however, everyone becomes frozen when Michiko points out the outdated skills of the director. She also holds a scrupulous compliance when it comes to her working hours, never does any unnecessary chores that don’t require a medical license, and couldn’t care less about the power struggles within the hospitals. Nobody knows how she acquired such a top-level skill that allows her to claim exorbitant sums as reward, but her private life is an even greater mystery to everyone around her. Tanaka plays a rookie surgeon, Uchida an anesthetist, Kishibe the head of the placement service, and Ito the head of the surgical department of this institution.

Main Cast

Ryoko Yonekura

Ryoko Yonekura

Michiko Daimon

Age : N/A | Popularity : 82%

Yuki Uchida

Yuki Uchida

Hiromi Jonouchi

Age : N/A | Popularity : 69%

Kenichi Endo

Kenichi Endo

Takashi Ebina

Age : N/A | Popularity : 55%

Ittoku Kishibe

Ittoku Kishibe

Akira Kanbara

Age : N/A | Popularity : 38%

Toshiyuki Nishida

Toshiyuki Nishida

Shigekatsu Hiruma

Age : N/A | Popularity : 52%

Kosuke Suzuki

Kosuke Suzuki

Mamoru Hara

Age : N/A | Popularity : 67%

Masanobu Katsumura

Masanobu Katsumura

Hideki Kaji

Age : N/A | Popularity : 48%

Mio Imada

Mio Imada

Masako Ooma

Age : N/A | Popularity : 100%



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