Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 10
Networks: Kinopoisk
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Jan 3, 2021
Recent Air Date: Jan 10, 2021
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Russian
Age Rating: 18+
Website: Link
Production Companies: Droog Drooga , Plus Studio
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Meet Nastya, 29 years old, designer-architect, married. Five completely different inner selves get along in it. This is the inner child; the hostess responsible for the attacks of all general cleaning; the control-obsessed demanding parent; the goddess of pleasure and a self-confident, daring careerist. Each of them has their own interests and ideas about happiness. They cheat, argue and fight among themselves. But when Nastya simultaneously loses her job, husband and best friend, the five will face a difficult task. They will have to learn how to negotiate with each other and make compromises — all in order for Nastya to be able to say with confidence: "I love myself all!"
Department | Role | Name |
Production | Producer | |
Writing | Creative Producer | |
Screenplay | ||
Directing | Director | |
Department | Role | Name |