Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 12
Creators: Keita Motohashi
Networks: TV Tokyo
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Jul 11, 2022
Recent Air Date: Sep 26, 2022
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Japanese
Age Rating: 19
Website: Link
Production Companies: TV Tokyo , Paravi
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Haruno Shotaro and his girlfriend Mimori Arisa get into a car accident. The next moment, when he wakes up, he finds out that he is in the hospital and has a cast on his right foot and left hand. Soon, Haruno Shotaro thinks that something is really strange with the hospital. The hospital has weird patients and the doctors and nurses seem to be hiding something. A mysterious serial murder case also takes place outside the hospital. What is the connection between the hospital and the serial murder case? What is happening in the hospital?