
TMDB Rating 6.7
IMDB Rating 7.2

Series Details

Seasons: 2

Total Episodes: 17


Networks: tv asahi

Status: Ended

First Air Date: Jan 10, 2008

Recent Air Date: Dec 17, 2009

Run Time: m

In Production: No

Original Language: Japanese

Age Rating: NR

Website: Link

Production Companies:




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In a modern society in which violent crimes are on the rise, there is a team that tries to resolve cases without bloodshed. It is the metropolitan police's special team, known by the abbreviation SIT (Special Investigation Team). The SIT doesn't get into action after a case but heads to the site just as a crime is being committed. They are on the front-line of risky missions, facing off against criminals; tenaciously conducting negotiations with criminals. As a result of the rigid police hierarchy that can curb the conduct of negotiators, the SIT is also a male-dominated society controlled with strict discipline. There is one female negotiator, Usagi Reiko, who bravely fights at the frontline. She is isolated in the male world of the SIT but courageously fights against crime as well as her organisation.

Main Cast

Ryoko Yonekura

Ryoko Yonekura

Reiko Usaki

Age : N/A | Popularity : 82%

Toshio Kakei

Toshio Kakei

Seiichiro Kizaki

Age : N/A | Popularity : 39%

Sousuke Takaoka

Sousuke Takaoka

Yusuke Amari

Age : N/A | Popularity : 44%

Takashi Sasano

Takashi Sasano

Kohei Sumida

Age : N/A | Popularity : 16%

Kosuke Suzuki

Kosuke Suzuki

Kunio Hasebe

Age : N/A | Popularity : 67%

Ren Osugi

Ren Osugi

Shizuo Takabayashi

Age : N/A | Popularity : 27%

Masatô Ibu

Masatô Ibu

Kudo Mikio

Age : N/A | Popularity : 44%

Yu Shirota

Yu Shirota

Kyosuke Mariya

Age : N/A | Popularity : 14%



Department Role Name
Directing Director
Department Role Name

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