Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: Broadway's brightest stars sing Broadway love songs.
Status: Released
Average Rating: 5
Release Date: Mar 6, 2001
Rating: 2001-03-06
Run Time: 1h 44m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: United States of America
Production Companies: Thirteen , The Metropolitan Entertainment Group
People Rated This
Main Cast
Department | Role | Name |
Sound | Sound Mixer |
James P. Nichols
Didier Deutsch
Sound Designer |
Mitch Maketansky
Music Director |
Paul Gemignani
Sound Engineer |
John Harris
Sound |
Bob Aldridge
Production | Production Coordinator |
Lauren Winters
Tracy Allred
Line Producer |
Eileen Bernstein
Production Manager |
Lisa Richardson
Executive Producer |
John Scher
Producer |
Jeff Rowland
Tony Adams
Allen Newman
Crew | Technical Supervisor |
Terry Donohue
Creator |
Jeff Rowland
Paul Gemignani
Allen Newman
Graciela Daniele
Tony Adams
Jay Binder
Creative Consultant |
Jay Binder
Directing | Stage Director |
Graciela Daniele
Script Supervisor |
Patricia Ranelli
Director |
David Horn
Art | Production Design |
Ray Klausen
Camera | Camera Operator |
Bob Long
Jay Kulick
Lyn Noland
Ron Washburn
John Meiklejohn
Bob Del Russo
Alain Onesto
Charlie Huntley
Miguel Armstrong
Gordon Minard
Editing | Editor |
Sean Fullan
Writing | Script Consultant |
Peter Morris
Lighting | Lighting Design |
Alan Adelman
Costume & Make-Up | Hairstylist |
Russell Kern
Craig Kilander
John Isaacs
Dierdre Harris
Damian Miano
Thom Gonzales
Diego Americo
Makeup Supervisor |
Randy Houston Mercer
Makeup Artist |
LeSonya Gunter
John Perkins
Louis Diel
David Goforth
Chris Anne Davis
Jeanette Clark
Makeup & Hair |
Tara Colevecchio
Costume Design |
Toni-Leslie James
Wardrobe Supervisor |
Sharon Lewis
Hair Supervisor |
Randy Houston Mercer
Department | Role | Name |
Where to watch My Favorite Broadway: The Love Songs
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