Revenue: $0
Budget: $0
Profit: - $0
Movie Details
Tag Line: He's not the world's greatest lover... but 8th place is not bad!
Status: Released
Average Rating: 5
Release Date: Nov 2, 1966
Rating: 1966-11-02
Run Time: 1h 20m
Original Language: English
Website: -
Production Countries: United States of America , Japan
Production Companies: Benedict Pictures Corp. , American International Pictures , TOHO
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In comic Woody Allen's film debut, he took the Japanese action film "International Secret Police: Key of Keys" and re-dubbed it, changing the plot to make it revolve around a secret egg salad recipe.
Department | Role | Name |
Directing | Director |
Woody Allen
Senkichi Taniguchi
Sound | Music |
The Lovin' Spoonful
Camera | Director of Photography |
Kazuo Yamada
Production | Executive Producer |
Henry G. Saperstein
Producer |
Reuben Bercovitch
Tomoyuki Tanaka
Shin Morita
Associate Producer |
Woody Allen
Production Manager |
Jerry Goldstein
Writing | Writer |
Hideo Ando
Woody Allen
Frank Buxton
Louise Lasser
Julie Bennett
Len Maxwell
Mickey Rose
Bryna Wilson
Editing | Supervising Editor |
Richard Krown
Crew | Presenter |
Samuel Z. Arkoff
James H. Nicholson
Art | Production Design |
Hiroshi Ueda
Title Designer |
Phill Norman
Department | Role | Name |