Series Details
Seasons: 1
Total Episodes: 6
Creators: Hiroyuki Kitazume
Status: Ended
First Air Date: Feb 25, 1993
Recent Air Date: Nov 25, 1993
Run Time: m
In Production: No
Original Language: Japanese
Age Rating: PG
Website: Link
Production Companies: Anime International Company , D.A.S.T Corporation , Oniro , Pioneer LDC , Studio Cartan
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Tokyo, 2045 - Young Hiroshi Ozora, a Technical Development Engineer at frontier technology conglomerate ZIC, creates a super-suit which bends the laws of physics and makes him feasibly the strongest superhero of all time. Quickly his exploits earn him the name 'Captain Tokyo' as he becomes a media darling. At the same time, the Dolls, a group of deadly, but glamorous teleporting female androids under the control of a mysterious evil scientist calling himself Dr. Machinegal, embark on a wierd crime spree. Moldiver foils their first attempt to steal a classic formula 1 race car from ZIC's race queen contest. The winner of that contest just happens to be Mirai Ozora, college student, mall-rat and younger sister of Hiroshi. She's decided that its up to her to discover the secret identity of this mystery hero! And the answer could be more surprising than she ever imagined...