
TMDB Rating 5.3
IMDB Rating 5.2
RottenTomatoes Rating 28%


Revenue: $41,744,718

Budget: $12,000,000

Profit: + $29,744,718

Movie Details

Tag Line: Casino Royale is too much for one James Bond!

Status: Released

Average Rating: 5

Release Date: Apr 13, 1967

Rating: 1967-04-28

Run Time: 2h 11m

Original Language: English

Website: -

Production Countries: United Kingdom

Production Companies: Famous Artists Productions , Columbia Pictures




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Sir James Bond is called back out of retirement to stop SMERSH. In order to trick SMERSH, James thinks up the ultimate plan - that every agent will be named 'James Bond'. One of the Bonds, whose real name is Evelyn Tremble is sent to take on Le Chiffre in a game of baccarat, but all the Bonds get more than they can handle.

Main Cast

David Niven

David Niven

James Bond

Age : N/A | Popularity : 78%

Peter Sellers

Peter Sellers

Evelyn Tremble

Age : N/A | Popularity : 32%

Ursula Andress

Ursula Andress

Vesper Lynd

Age : N/A | Popularity : 74%

Orson Welles

Orson Welles

Le Chiffre

Age : N/A | Popularity : 84%

Joanna Pettet

Joanna Pettet

Mata Bond

Age : N/A | Popularity : 52%

Daliah Lavi

Daliah Lavi

The Detainer

Age : N/A | Popularity : 29%

Woody Allen

Woody Allen

Jimmy Bond (Dr. Noah)

Age : N/A | Popularity : 97%

Deborah Kerr

Deborah Kerr

Agent Mimi / Lady Fiona McTarry

Age : N/A | Popularity : 69%


Department Role Name
Directing Director
John Huston
John Huston
Ken Hughes
Ken Hughes
Joseph McGrath
Joseph McGrath
Val Guest
Val Guest
Robert Parrish
Robert Parrish
Assistant Director
Carl Mannin
Carl Mannin
John Stoneman
John Stoneman
Roy Baird
Roy Baird
Second Unit Director
Richard Talmadge
Richard Talmadge
Anthony Squire
Anthony Squire
Editing Editor
Bill Lenny
Bill Lenny
Dialogue Editor
Jim Shields
Jim Shields
Sound Original Music Composer
Burt Bacharach
Burt Bacharach
Sound Editor
Chris Greenham
Chris Greenham
Sash Fisher
Sash Fisher
Bob Jones
Bob Jones
Richard Langford
Richard Langford
John W. Mitchell
John W. Mitchell
Assistant Sound Editor
Richard Best Jr.
Richard Best Jr.
Production Producer
Charles K. Feldman
Charles K. Feldman
Jerry Bresler
Jerry Bresler
Maude Spector
Maude Spector
Writing Screenplay
John Law
John Law
Wolf Mankowitz
Wolf Mankowitz
Michael Sayers
Michael Sayers
Ian Fleming
Ian Fleming
Camera Director of Photography
Jack Hildyard
Jack Hildyard
Key Grip
Michael Walter
Michael Walter
Focus Puller
Wally Fairweather
Wally Fairweather
Still Photographer
Pamela Green
Pamela Green
Additional Photography
Nicolas Roeg
Nicolas Roeg
Crew Additional Dialogue
Val Guest
Val Guest
Special Effects
Roy Whybrow
Roy Whybrow
Cliff Richardson
Cliff Richardson
Tutte Lemkow
Tutte Lemkow
Costume & Make-Up Costume Design
Julie Harris
Julie Harris
Anna Duse
Anna Duse
Makeup Department Head
Neville Smallwood
Neville Smallwood
Hair Department Head
Joan Smallwood
Joan Smallwood
Makeup Artist
John O'Gorman
John O'Gorman
Art Art Direction
Ivor Beddoes
Ivor Beddoes
John Howell
John Howell
Lionel Couch
Lionel Couch
Production Design
Michael Stringer
Michael Stringer
Set Dresser
Terence Morgan
Terence Morgan
Assistant Art Director
Norman Dorme
Norman Dorme
Construction Manager
Bill MacLaren
Bill MacLaren
Visual Effects Matte Painter
Gerald Larn
Gerald Larn
Peter Melrose
Peter Melrose
Les Bowie
Les Bowie
Department Role Name

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